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The McGann Group

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To Benefit Pets on Wheels

Monday, October 28, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Location, Date, Time:

The McGann Group 2024 Annual Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Pets on Wheels will take place on Monday, October 28, 2024, at Mountain Branch Golf Club located at 1827 Mountain Rd, Joppatowne, MD 21085. Registration opens at 8:00AM; shotgun start at 9:00AM. 


Who Does the Tournament Benefit?:

The McGann Group 2024 Annual Charity Golf Tournament benefits Pets on Wheels, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that brings friendly therapy pet visits to people across Maryland. Pets on Wheels shares the love of therapy pets to help improve life by connecting our pets with people who need it most. Visiting nursing homes and hospitals, homeless and domestic violence shelters, education and corporate campuses, libraries, and schools, Pets on Wheels provides an essential service to help fight stress and loneliness, one visit at a time. Learn more about Pets on Wheels HERE.


What is the format of the tournament?:

Scramble. In this format, each team’s players hit from the teebox, then the team members choose the best of the four shots for the next shot. All team members then play the second shot from that location and choose the best shot again. Play continues in this manner until the hole is completed. The team then records its score and maintains that format for all 18 holes.


How do I purchase tickets?:

Tickets can be purchased HERE. If you prefer to pay by check, please make payable to Pets on Wheels, Mailing Address is: Rice Consulting, 17 W. Courtland Street, Suite 210, Bel Air, MD 21014.


Are individual and/or corporate sponsorships available?:

Yes. Click HERE to view sponsorship opportunities.



Please plan to arrive at 8:00AM for registration and practice time; shotgun start is at 9:00AM.


What is included in the registration fee?:

Each player’s registration fee includes green fees, a cart, a Welcome Bag, continental breakfast, time at Tracers Driving Range and range balls, the opportunity to win a variety of prizes, an After-Party with BBQ Lunch, beverages, and the opportunity to meet the Therapy Pets. To register, click HERE.


What is the Deadline to register for a foursome or individual golfer?:

The deadline to register for a foursome or as an individual golfer is October 18, 2024. To register, click HERE.


Is there a cap on registration?:

Yes, the tournament is limited to 144 golfers, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, click HERE.


Are you Accepting donations if I am unable to attend or sponsor?

Yes, click HERE to make a donation to Pets on Wheels. If you prefer to pay by check, please make payable to Pets on Wheels, Mailing Address is: Rice Consulting, 17 W. Courtland Street, Suite 210, Bel Air, MD 21014.


Are you accepting Gifts in Kind in lieu of Sponsorships?

If you'd like to provide a Gift In Kind in lieu of a Sponsorship, we will happily accept goods and/or services for raffle baskets/after-party prizes.


What Is the deadline to provide player names?:

The deadline to submit player names is October 18, 2024.


Dress Code:

Please note: Mountain Branch is a SPIKE-FREE FACILITY. The golf course does not allow metal spikes to be worn on the golf course. All players are required to wear collared shirts at all times. Slacks, shorts or skirts must be hemmed and in good condition. Recommended short/skirt length is mid-thigh. Tank tops, swimwear, cutoffs, gym shorts, and the like are not acceptable.



Light continental breakfast and coffee will be available from 8:00AM to 8:45AM.


Club Rentals:

Clubs are available on a first-come, first-served basis starting at $45 + tax depending on the type of clubs chosen. Please contact Mountain Branch at least one week before the tournament to inquire about club rental.


Will there be a place to practice?:

All registered golfers will have access to the Tracers Driving Range and the Putting Green to practice before the start of the tournament. Mountain Branch will provide a golf cart shuttle service to those needing it.


Speed of play:

The required pace of play on the golf course is a maximum of 15 minutes per hole. If a foursome falls behind this pace, they may be asked to move to the next hole.


Inclement Weather:

The McGann Group 2024 Annual Charity Golf Tournament will take place rain or shine. Mountain Branch will call players off the course in case of thunder and/or lightning with play resuming after the threat has passed. Only in extreme inclement weather will the tournament be canceled. In the unlikely event the tournament is canceled, all registration fees will be treated as a donation, and no refunds will be issued. There will not be a makeup date for the event.

For more information please contact 410-838-6355 or

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